A Guide to surviving "A good hill sheep farm business, not over borrowed, competent farmer, good record of profit and efficiency will survive a year like 2007, when Blue Tongue Disease played such havoc with profits. An over borrowed hill sheep farm, with a farmer taking too much out of the business, and with no allowance being made for future financial squalls, will sink."
Locational Factors
Physical Factors & Human Factors
- Accessibility
- Markets
- Capital
- Soils
- Relief
- Mechanisation and equipment
- Labour supply
- Aspect
- Climate (Tempertaure and windspeed)
- Altidude
Designing a worksheet:
Your main task within the farming unit is to create an information worksheet about Arail farm which incorporate a range of key geographical skills.
1. Use GIS to locate the farm and describe its location
2. Develop a land use diagram of the farm and surrounding fields
3. Produce a cross-sectional diagram of the farm using OS map data
4. Compare a range of farming subsidies and grants including the Tir Gorfal scheme
5. Evaluate a range of problems within the hill sheep farm industry
Check out this useful weblink as a way of highlighting the numerous land uses. http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=9F62B86464A110D7!281
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